Mute Unmute

ochre wild

the making of a new collection

OCHRE WILD collection consists of naturally dyed rugs that are made in Bengal using centuries old techniques.

All OCHRE WILD rugs are made entirely by hand from the yarn making and dying, to the intricate weaving and through to the finishing. We use the same rich variety of fibres and natural dyes for both our Indo-Tibetan and our flat weave Dhurrie rugs. Colours and textures dance in harmony across every painterly piece.

Each OCHRE WILD rug is unique, sustainably created and ultimately, intimately connected to our shared earth.


All OCHRE WILD rugs are made from raw fibres that are directly sourced from regional farmers. The methods of growing are organic, pesticide and chemical fertiliser free. When organic natural dyes are combined with hand spun raw organic fibres, the colours achieved are vibrant and alive. Each fibre type absorbs the vegetal dye with a different intensity creating a beautiful variegation in depth and hue. The pre-mordanting treatment of the fibres is essential for the fixing of the dye to the yarns.The natural dying process uses age old recipes and, in the hands, and eyes of the master dyers we work with, those recipes are endlessly fine-tuned and adjusted to achieve the astonishing spectrum of OCHRE WILD colour.

Jute fibre is 100% bio-degradable, recyclable and has low pesticide and fertiliser needs making it more environmentally friendly.The fibre, naturally yellow hued with a silky shine, is known as the golden fibre. Bengal is renowned for its jute production and it is the cheapest vegetable fibre procured from the core stem of Corchorus plant’s stem. Both strong and durable, it is an ideal choice for entrances and hallways.
Ghicha silk
Silk has a long history in India, where it has been produced since probably 2450 BC. Silk is a natural protein fibre, obtained from the larvae cocoons of the silk worm. The ancient tribes living in the eastern and central parts of India have been producing silk for centuries, and they are well known for tussar silk. This tussar silk comes from a wild silkworm, antheraea moth, which has a varied diet, unlike the cultivated worm which only eats mulberry. Consequently, the tussar silk reflects this; it is richly textured and of a natural deep golden colour that is derived from the ingestion of tannin rich oak leaves. The yarns of gicha silk in our rugs are obtained from the cocoons of tussar silk.
Hemp (cannabis sativa) was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fibre 50,000 years ago. It is one of the fastest growing plants on earth and requires far less water than cotton, making it very environmentally friendly. Procured from the eastern Himalayan valley. It is extremely strong, and additionally it is thought to be able to destroy bacteria that comes into contact with its surface.
Linen is made from the fibres of the flax plant (linum usitatissimum). There is evidence of it being used as a textile at least 30,000 years ago. Linen is organic, bio-degradable and recyclable. It does not require any pesticides, or any additional water other than rainwater and every part of the plant is used. Linen is one of the few fabrics not to accumulate static electricity and it is also hypo-allergenic.
The ramie plant (Bohemia nivea) is a member of the nettle family (Urticacea). Like the other plant fibres it has been used for millennia. It is one of the strongest natural fibres, producing a silken thread, and known to be resistant to bacteria and mildew, rotting and insect attack, so therefore it does not require chemicals to grow and is bio-degradable.
The indigo plant (indigofera tinctoria) contains one of the world’s oldest and most valued dyes. Unlike the other dyes from the plant world, the process of extracting the dye from the plant is shrouded in mystique due to the almost magical and intriguing processing methods necessary; it is like alchemy. The green leaves of the plant are soaked and crushed in water. The blue colourant is both invisible and insoluble, and it is finally the reaction to the oxygen in the atmosphere that produces the final blue colour. Historically there are layers of importance, symbolism and significance attached to indigo maybe because the production process requires such expertise. Moreover, not only is Indigo the most colourfast natural dye, it also unleashes a vast new palette of colours when used in combination with shades of yellows, browns and reds. Although one would expect a green to be made easily from the plant world, it is in fact only with indigo that every shade of green can be achieved.
The symbolic spherical fruit (punica granatum) has been used by rugmakers for centuries. The rind of the fruit is rich in tannins which improves colour fastness and yields a yellow ochre dye. Pomegranate is also very versatile. Traditionally used in order to achieve greys, silvers and blacks; it also achieves a vast array of greens when combined with turmeric and dyed over indigo.
The turmeric plant (curcuma longa) belongs to the same family as ginger, and the dye is obtained from the root of the plant. It is a direct dye producing a golden yellow and is known for its tinctorial strength. However, turmeric is one of the more fugitive yellows and can fade rapidly in strong sunlight. To create a more permanent dye, turmeric is often used in conjunction with marigold petals or pomegranate rind in order to increase its colour fastness.
Hilika (terminalia chebula) is a tree with shiny green fruit. The dye Is derived from the skin of a small nut like tropical fruit. Originally an earthy yellow colour, it can be used to create greys, bluish blacks, to olive and mossy greens.
Marigold (tagetes patula) is a species of flowering plant related to the daisy, and is widely and easily grown. Marigold produces a more lemon yellow than turmeric. However, it is much more colourfast. and for this reason it is often used in combination with other yellow dyes.
The scale insect (kerria lacca) secretes a sticky resin known as lacand it is this viscous fluid that contains the red dye. The use of lac as the source for red dates back to ancient times. The colourfast reds range from crimson to burgundy and give a soft, warm hue. Nowadays, the resin is used mostly to make shellac.
The knotted tubular root of the plant (rubia cordifolia) produces a beautiful spectrum of red dyes that ranges from brick to burgundy. It is one of the oldest dyestuffs known and is very colourfast.
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